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We rebranded!

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

If you've been with a Nurse's Herbal Tea up to this point, you'll notice that we've revamped our website and shortened our name to A Nurse's Tea. Not to worry! We're still the same family selling the same high-quality essiac in the same hope of spreading herbal health, only now with 20% sheep sorrel roots and a fresh look.

Our goal in this rebrand is to make it simpler and more pleasurable for our patrons and friends to receive the essiac they need. We're striving for quality & connection-- to not only be unflaggingly transparent, but readily available to answer all of your questions.

We truly believe in this work, but the biggest thing that has kept us going through the decades has been the encouragement and responses from you, our essiac family. We know with all our being that we are making a healthful, detoxifying essiac that needs to be shared with the world, and we want you to join us on this journey to help as many people as possible. From all three of us, thank you so much.

So whether you're new or old, welcome to A Nurse's Tea!

Chris, Jack, & Griff

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