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Sheep Sorrel Roots in Essiac Tea
Essiac Tea and A Nurse's Tea logo

December 2, 2024



It is that time of year again!  If the bottles get caught up in freezing temperatures and are not moving, they will break after thawing.  That is why we will be shipping out on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (possibly Thursday) because if the box sits in a UPS terminal on Sunday, the bottles will freeze.  If you do place an order here, please make arrangements to have your box brought into your home ASAP if there are freezing temps outside.


If there is any breakage, please send a kind email to me at with pictures of the damage.  I will fix the problem quickly for you.


We do put heat packs in, but they do not work when the temperatures are very low.  Thank you for your understanding!  Chris



  • New hours:  Monday through Friday 9a.m to 4p.m MST.  Closed Saturday and Sunday.

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  • ​Remember that when you order more, the cost per bottle goes down dramatically when you factor in the shipping.  For example, 1 qt is approximately $32/bottle but ordering 3 qts would be approximately $25/bottle.

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  • Log in issues:  We are aware of the problems with logins in terms of the system not recognizing you.  Don't worry, if you get that unkind message, just ignore it and continue on as a guest.  You will still be credited your points.

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  • Reward Codes:  Please use the code that you have been assigned to.  If another code is used, the order may be immediately cancelled and refunded.  Thank you for understanding.     



​“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”

~B.K.S. Iyengar


CALL US TOLL FREE AT 1-800-843-2181 or you can place an order online by clicking on STOREIf you need to talk with me directly, it would be easier to email me at






• Why A Nurse's Tea? •

An icon of a bottle of superior essiac
An icon of 28 years experience brewing essiac
An icon showing quality and price
An icon of a bear showing honesty and love

• superior essiac •

  • Rene Caisse's original, historic formula


  • Real sheep sorrel roots   (About 10-15% root)​​


  • High quality, American-sourced, organic herbs


  • Hand-mixed, loose-leaf blend to ensure proper decoctive nutrient release

• years experience 

  • Brewed by a Registered Nurse & her family in a licensed, commercial kitchen since 1996


  • Prefilled quarts and dried herb packets



  • Wholesale available


• quality & price 

  • Free shipping on subtotals over $350
    & dry tea orders


  • Fine herbs, a meticulous brewing process, & safe, fast shipping​


  • Essiac priced to give you the highest quality tea using premium equipment at an affordable cost​

• honesty & love 

  • 100% transparency!  No  lies or misinformation


  • Our goal is to help create a healthier world through a tea we love


  • Eco-friendly focus:

    • Glass bottles

    • Recycled + recyclable materials

    • Low impact kitchen

Why A Nurse's Tea?
Herbs used in Essiac Tea
A Family Brewery

Questions or Comments? Let's connect!
Call toll free: 1-800-843-2181 
The best way to get an answer quickly if the phone is not answered is to use the contact us page or email us.  We monitor the inbox frequently.  Thank you!

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